The Secret to Finding Absolute Contentment, Part 1 in the Series

We are all seekers. Young and old. Seeking to feel good, feel happy, safe and content. Some are successful for periods of time. And then, even though doing or having the things that initially would give us these feelings. They ultimately taper off and diminish. Leaving us seeking for the next external trigger for these feelings.

The secret to attaining this feeling on a permanent basis is a process. And that which we seek, I call it, is our ‘stillpoint’.

This is the point where we connect to the ‘matrix’. Others call this Universal energy, cosmic intelligence, God, Spirit. It’s a point that we can reach that makes us feel unconditionally loved, accepted, perfect and completely content. Knowing that all is as it should be.

This point can also be called your inner essence or, that which is eternal and infinite and everlasting.

All have felt it. Maybe it was fleeting. Maybe it was when we watched the birth of our child, or a sunrise or sunset. Or some other natural phenomenon that made us catch our breath.

As humans, I believe, it is first finding the roadmap to that connection and then, being able to connect to it with practice. In time and practice, as with all things, we are able to stay in that connection moment to moment. These are the stories of the mystics and yogis. The Seekers that have left their wisdom. Those that have given themselves up to a higher power.

In this lifetime we are meant to find and live in that state in our ‘normal’ lives. We may have to go up a mountain or attend a secluded retreat in order to find, study and practice finding this place within us. Many, many have supplied routes to this destination. And I find I am now one of them.

There cannot be too many guides in life. For there are many now seeking ‘the way’.

My guidance offerings come in the form of teaching my students how to breathe and energy healing. These two are THE foundations of consciousness. And it is in these states/pillars of consciousness that paths light up and are initially connected through the facilitation of your teacher. With practice you get to blaze that path on your own.

So, my dearest ones. That which we seek is NOT outside of ourselves. I know this may sound cliche. However, it is still truth. The only way to that which we seek is inside of ourselves. And the sooner we decide to actively seek that path. And find ways to the path that resonate with us. The sooner we start to feel that which we are hard wired to want, desire and strive to have.

So what is the secret of finding absolute contentment. First, to know that the feeling can the space where that emotion lives is within. And only in the finding and connecting to it do we have a means of a permanent way of living in it. All others are temporary and will eventually lead to dissatisfaction.

Happy TrailBlazing…

This article is Part 1 in a series.

Sema Tihan is the Director and Founder of The Reiki Healing Center of NJ in 2008 and most recently Essentials By Sema. Her offerings to assist and guide you to your still point, at this moment, are sessions, classes and conscious products.

All information pertaining to them are found on our website: and our product shop should you find yourself interested in wanting to learn more. I’m always happy to connect via email at