Acupuncturists and Chinese Medicine
The Reiki Healing Center of NJ is an approved Professional Development Activity (PDA) provider with the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM).
Reiki-Level 1-Shoden (PDA-9430-1)-22.5 PDA Points
The Reiki-Level 1-Shoden course will teach Acupuncturists and Oriental Medicine Practitioners (OMP) how to perform and incorporate Reiki into their clinical practice in order to maximize healing. The practitioner will become certified and attuned in Reiki Level 1-Shoden. This course is appropriate for all Acupuncturists and OMP to improve their knowledge of incorporating Reiki into their practice to further enhance the healing of their clients. Reiki is an eastern energy healing practice that has a positive effect on relaxation, pain reduction and improvement of physical and emotional health. The use of energy healing, such as Reiki, has been documented in many peer-reviewed journal articles to reduce pain and improve physical and emotional health.
Reiki-Level 2-Okuden (PDA-9430-2)-16 PDA Points
The Reiki Level 2-Okuden course will teach Acupuncturists and Oriental Medicine Practitioners (OMP) how to perform and incorporate advanced Reiki techniques into their clinical practice in order to maximize healing. Students will also learn how to incorporate distance Reiki, which can be utilized when hands-on Reiki is not optimal. Students will learn the advanced Reiki technique to heal mental and emotional patterns. The practitioner will become certified and attuned in Reiki Level 2-Okuden. This course is appropriate for all Acupuncturists and OMP to expand their knowledge of incorporating advanced Reiki techniques into their practice to further enhance the healing of their clients. The use of energy healing, such as Reiki, has been documented in many peer-reviewed journal articles to reduce pain and improve physical and emotional health.