Physical Therapists
The Reiki Healing Center of NJ is an approved continuing education provider with the New Jersey Office of the Attorney General, Division of Consumer Affairs, State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners. We are only approved to offer continuing education for physical therapists and physical therapy assistants licensed through the state of New Jersey. If you are licensed in another state, please check with your licensing authority to determine if our course would be allowed for continuing education.
Reiki-Shoden-Level 1 for Physical Therapists (Course Approval #2403-127)-20 credits
The Reiki Level 1-Shoden course will teach the physical therapist how to perform and incorporate Reiki into their clinical practice in order to maximize healing. The course includes a combination of lecture, class discussion, participation in self-care practices, 3 Reiki attunements and hands-on Reiki practice. The therapist will become certified and attuned in Shoden-Level I Reiki.
This course is appropriate for all physical therapists and physical therapy assistants to improve their knowledge of incorporating Reiki into their physical therapy practice to further enhance the healing of their clients. The use of energy healing, such as Reiki, has been documented in many peer-reviewed journal articles to reduce pain and improve physical and emotional health.
Physical Therapists taking this course will be able to:
Describe the history and principles of Reiki healing energy
Explain the clinical rationale for the effect that Reiki healing has on relaxation, pain reduction and improvement of physical and emotional health
Identify areas of blocked energy flow (Byosen) through palpation
Perform Reiki healing on themselves and others in person
Incorporate Reiki healing into their clinical practice
Affect positive changes in energy flow to allow maximal healing
Reiki-Okuden-Level 2 for Physical Therapists (Course Approval # 2403-128)-15 credits
The Okuden course will teach the physical therapist how to perform and incorporate advanced Reiki techniques into their clinical practice in order to maximize healing. Students will also learn how to incorporate distance Reiki, which can be utilized during telehealth sessions The course includes a combination of lecture, class discussion, participation in self-care practices, 3 Reiki attunements and hands-on Reiki practice. The therapist will become certified and attuned in Okuden-Level 2 Reiki.
Learning Objectives
Physical Therapists taking this course will be able to:
Explain the clinical rationale for the effect that Reiki healing has on relaxation, pain reduction and improvement of physical and emotional health
Describe the background of the Sei Heki Chiryo technique
Explain how Sei Heki Chiryo is utilized to heal mental and emotional patterns
Understand how emotional patterns can effect physical pain
Learn how to apply the Sei Heki Chiryo technique in clinical practice
Learn how to perform distance Reiki healing (Enkaku Chiryo)
Perform Reiki healing (Sei Heki Chiryo and Enkaku Chiryo) on themselves and others in person and distance Reiki healing
Incorporate Reiki healing into their clinical practice to allow maximal healing and physical and emotional support