Age of Aquarius


the coming of the age of aquarius

We’ve gone from the lyrics of a song to now having this heavenly event upon us. This is a coming of historical proportions. One that which humanity as a whole (whether conscious of it or not) has been waiting upon for thousands of years.

This live recorded program was created with the express intention of preparing the spiritual seeker for this time. To move into it with grace and ease. In a mindset of full surrender, as our dharma (life purpose) unfolds before us and becomes apparent and obvious.

Those that have been following spiritual practices and feeling the first vestiges of the great awakening these past years are on the forefront of this energetic shift and will be the first benefactors. And are those that have elected to lead all others merely by their expanded consciousness.

Welcome to the Age of Aquarius…the daily programs are approximately 60- 90 minutes in length. And have a format of some or all of them depending on the session and inspiration.

Satsang ( Meditations)

Asana (Yoga poses)

Pranayama (Breathing Exercises)


Energetic Initiations

And more…basically a close encounter with Spirit…in the form and expression of their choice in the moment.

Welcome…we are incredibly excited to have you on board and the addition of your light to our community and the world.